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What to expect

If you book a play time with us, a party room and the indoor playing field are exclusively yours for 2 hours. No other teams or groups will be on the field during your play time.

It usually takes about 5-10 minutes in the first hour to gear up the players; the rest of the hour is for play. It will take another 5 minutes in the second hour to turn the gear in and move to the party room where the remaining time is reserved for food, cake and gifts.

Party Facilities

You have full use of one of our complimentary party rooms.  Each room has tables, chairs and fridge/freezer for your use. We provide disposable tableware (paper plates, cups, knives, forks, spoons, napkins), plus some essential party extras and we cleanup so you can walk away with no worries. A shared kitchen area is also available.

If you would like to steam hotdogs for your party, we have crock pots available.


To start, we ask guests or players to arrive a maximum of 10 minutes early to allow time for everyone to check in at the customer service counter and confirm waivers are signed.  Waivers can be done electronically on site.

If you need help to carry something from the vehicles, please do not hesitate to ask.

Gear Up

The first 5-10 minutes are dedicated to the Staff picking teams, passing out equipment, orientating the players to field, rules and how to use the equipment.


All games are programmed to last 10 minutes.  Staff will co-ordinate and referee the games.  Some typical games:

  • Team Elimination
  • Capture the Flag
  • Aliens vs. Space Marines
  • Domination
  • Free for All

There are a few minutes after every game for “Smack Talk” and equipment/player adjustments at the “Bone Yard”.  The first couple of games will seem the most chaotic and unorganized as the players are just running on excitement.  Do not expect a lot of “Tactical Play” at this point.

After this the games tend to be played in earnest as the players become at ease with the field and the taggers operations and the games become more challenging.

Not all players will last the full 10 minutes of the game time.  The first few games will generally see a few quick kills.  If the player loses his life in less than 2 minutes of play the field crew will try to accommodate the player by resetting and being sent back into the game.  They may do an equipment check and offer some tips.

(The field staff may not always do this it is up to their discretion there has been times where it is done deliberately as a form of “cheating” to extend the players time past the total game time).



Breaks between games are only 2-3 minutes in length, long enough to exchange comments on the game (i.e. trash talk) and set up for the next game. There will be no time for food breaks.


No food allowed in the arena.  Capped drinks in plastic bottles or container are allowed in the “Bone Yard” only.

Eating should be held off until after all the games are played.  Dependent on the time of the day, most time finger food is fine.  If food should arrive we will continue to play.

What generally works is: finger foods, such as cut up fruit or vegetables, sandwiches, crackers, cheese, deli meats and bottled water/juice boxes/sports drinks.

The End…

The Players will not be allowed back out on the field and are asked to stay within their party room until pickup. Please pack up anything you are taking with you and we will take care of every thing else.

Thanks for coming out …hope this was a great experience!